Notice and Information for foreign nationals

Rights and duties of foreign nationals for entry or short-stay of up to 90 days in the Schengen Area

 Types of Visas


For stays for the purpose of Transit, applicants need to apply for a "Residence permit" directly at "Ufficio Immigrazione" (Immigration Office) of the relevant Questura (central police station).

National emergency numbers in Italy

Emergency numbers are special numbers that allow those in distress or in a hazardous situation to easily contact the appropriate services that can provide assistance.

Emergency numbers are free of charge, so they can be reached from mobile phones with no credit (and in some cases without a SIM card), and can receive and manage emergency calls and requests for assistance 24 / 7. To dial an emergency number you do not need to add an area code: the call will automatically be forwarded to the relevant incident room.

  • 112 Carabinieri: emergency number
  • 113 Polizia di stato (Police): emergency number
  • 117 Guardia di Finanza (Fiscal and Customs Police): emergency number
  • 115 Fire Brigade: emergency number
  • 118 Health emergency / First aid
  • 1530 Coast Guard
  • 1515 Environmental emergency / Fire prevention services – State Forestry Corps
  • 0637518261-2 Telefono Rosa (Pink helpline), for the prevention of violence against women
  • 114 Child emergency helpline. Service managed by Telefono Azzurro (Sky blue helpline - only from a landline telephone number)
  • 1 96 96 Telefono Azzurro (Sky blue helpline – free child helpline)
  • 800 025 777 Telefono Arcobaleno (Rainbow helpline – for the prevention of any form of child abuse
  • 1522 Prevention of violence against women
  • 1500 Emergencies for public health
  • 06 36225 Unità di Crisi del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (Crisis Management Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation)

Useful numbers in Italy

  • 1518 CIS: For information on Italian roads and motorways (real time information on traffic and road conditions)
  • 803116 Roadside assistance
  • 170 National and international calls through an operator
  • 803160 Poste italiane (Italian Postal Service) – information
  • 892021 Ferrovie dello Stato – Trenitalia (Italian State Railways)
  • 800.137.079 Abandoned pets